Centrale solaire de Monein (64)


The development phase of a renewable energy project follows 3 major steps.

The identification of potential areas of implementation

Haystack wind turbine total quadran

TotalEnergies has developed its own infrastructure and system of spatial data allowing to integrate the maximum of constraints and opportunities to identify the best implementation aeras.

Our unique expertise, in this field, allows us to launch local consultation in potential zone of installation of a green electricity production asset which will be beneficial to the company and to the local economy.

The approval of the local elected officials and moreover of the economic fabric is essential. TotalEnergies works in close concertation with all the local players to allow the emergence of an energy transition project.

Studies and Conception

The conception of a project is a 4-dimensional process:

wind measuring mast
  1. Site resource
  2. Real-estate availability
  3. Grid connection possibilities
  4. Landscape and environmental constraints

For each potential development aera, the studies for each dimension are conducted, internally, by our experts whose knowledge and methods are recognized by the industry. Thanks to its innovative essence, TotalEnergies develops, in collaboration with Total TR&D, tools and software allowing optimal results.

Getting all the project authorizations

Any green electricity production project must be instructed and get authorizations. All competent authorities must be consulted (Prefecture, Town hall, Military, Air Traffic Control, Local representation of different Ministries, tribal councils, ….) to refine the conception of the project according to opinions and recommendations issued by the authorities.

Once the project finalized, the files are put together for examination by the State services: building permit or declaration of work for the renovation, impact studies and landscape simulations, ICPE (classified installation for environmental protection) studies for wind power, clearing authorizations, authorizations and studies for the electrical connection (Enedis).

TotalEnergies's teams have perfect knowledge of all the stages prior to the construction of a power plant and strive to facilitate the work of administrations by providing complete and high-quality dossiers.

Development focus

Total Quadran's teams have perfect knowledge of all the stages prior to the construction of a power plant and strive to facilitate the work of administrations by providing complete and high-quality dossiers.

construction éolienne repowering


TotalEnergies takes the position of general contractor. Our teams have all the skills and knowledge to monitor construction until commissioning of the plant.

éolienne, coucher de soleil nuit vent 

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